Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dress up Ain't For Everyone

There are so many types of hairstyles for African American women that it would take 1o more blogs to go into detail. Weaves come in so many different textures and numerous colors if I every wore one I won't know which one to pick. But living with natural hair in the state of Florida, it's a pain straighting it because of the humidity. Humidity causes my fresh press hair to look like a just poured a bucket of water on it, so I decided to stop fighting and I do twists out, braid outs, cornrows, bantu knots ect. The curly pattern for braidouts are wonderful but you can get the same affects with weaves which results is this real or fake? As I sat in the library today I witness that scenario a guy hold the door for a girl with curly red brown hair said, "I like your curls". She responded "Oh me, thank you". He said "It's natural right"? Her response was "No" as he said, "What it's not?" while still holding the door. Interesting isn't it it's getting harder to tell the real hair from weave. I have to admit sometimes I can't tell because it's blending so well. I can even buy a weave that matches the texture of my hair for my braidouts to appear longer. But my question is when you take out the weaves and perms do you still love your hair, your texture, yourself. Do you love yourself more when you're made up with big hair and makeup because sometimes we can't all play dress up. Sometimes you have to let that weave out and unleash your true texture. Just know you have to face yourself real or fake hair in that mirror and make sure you have that confidence and self-esteem before you dress up so dressing down won't be a let down. Love from within and love deep before you love the outside me.

The "Real" Phoenix

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